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This is a short test about the Regulators previously explained. Please, read carefully the questions and provide the right answer by clicking on it

A Regulator is an Organism created to impose several conditions on the devices or systems produced in Telecommunications. Is this true or false?

. True
. False
National Organizations have different competences to International ones, so they do not perform the same job. Is this True or False?

. True
. False
Some Regulation Organisms were created after specific conferences to talk about certain competences, as they were necesary after. Is this True or False?

. True
. False
Some Organisms accept private companies interested in the regulation of a certain item, to observe the development of that rule or Standard. Is this True or False?

. True
. False
However, those individual members, or private companies, cannot participate on any votation process or development project. Is this True or False?

. True
. False
ISO, International Organization for Standardarization, is an Organization attached to the United Nations in order elaborate internationally valid projects of regulation. Is this True or False?

. True
. False
Sometimes, an ITU project can be rejected in the final process if there are not enough valid arguments for it. Is this True or False?

. True
. False
CEPT was established under ETSI conferences in order to focus about all the Standardization work common in Europe. Is this True or False?

. True
. False
ETSI provides Standards not only in Europe, but also in countries such as Canada, India or Brazil. Is this True or False?

. True
. False
ETSI developes other types of documents, such as technical reports or Specifications, to provide more information related to published Standards. Is this True or False?

. True
. False
The European Commision is the final judge for all the projects developed in the Europe framework. Is this True or False?

. True
. False
The purpose at H2020, or Horizont 2020, is achieving better quality communcations, not only in the commercialized technologies, but also in the ones not yet released. Is this True or False?

. True
. False
The different between a Recommendation and a Standard is the power enforcement of each of them. Is this True or False?

. True
. False
To represent Spain in International Committees, AENOR takes the leadership through the UNE rules. Is this True or False?

. True
. False
ITU and ISO have several small divisions, created after International Committees. Is this True or False?

. True
. False
The scope of research and development of FCC is only the United States, as its name is Federal Communications Commision. Is this True or False?

. True
. False

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