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LibrosRomanticism Perios

Poems and dates(Romanticism Period).

When was published Ode to the Nightingale?

. 1820
. 1819
. 1819
Who wrote Ode to the Nightingale?

. John Keats
. Percy Bysshe Shelley
. George Gordon, Lord Byron
When were published Percy Bysshe Shelley's poems?

. 1819
. 1816
. 1820
Who wrote Ode the West Wind?

. Percy Bysshe Shelley
. William Wordsworth
. John Keats
Who wrote England in 1819?

. Percy Bysshe Shelley
. John Keats
. George Gordon, Lord Byron
Who wrote A Song of Men of England?

. Percy Bysshe Shelley
. John Keats
. George Gordon, Lord Byron
When was Don Juan published?

. 1819
. 1816
Who wrote Don Juan?

. George Gordon, Lord Byron
. Percy Bysshe Shelley
. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
When was published Frankenstein?

. 1818
. 1816
. 1819
Who wrote Frankenstein?

. Percy Bysshe Shelley
. Mary Shelley
. George Gordon, Lord Byron
When was written Kubla Khan?

. 1816
. 1818
. 1819
The full name is: Kubla Khan...

. and the Modern Prometheus
. Or a Vision of a Dream
. Or a Vision of a Dream. A Fragment
Who wrote Kubla Khan?

. William Wordsworth
. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
. George Gordon, Lord Byron
She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways was written by...

. William Blake
. William Wordsworth
. George Gordon, Lord Byron
When was published We Are Seven?

. 1798
. 1799
. 1794
Who wrote We Are Seven?

. William Wordsworth
. William Blake
. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Who wrote Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience?

. William Blake
. William Wordsworth
. John Keats
When was Songs of Experience published?

. 1794
. 1789
. 1798
When was Songs of Innocence published?

. 1789
. 1757
. 1794
What happened in 1837?

. death of Lord Byron
. Reform Bill
. Start of Victorian Period
What happened in 1824?

. Reform Bill
. death of Lord Byron
. Start of Victorian Period
What happened in 1832?

. death of Lord Byron
. Reform Bill
. Start of Victorian Period
When does the Romantic Period begin?

. 1798
. 1789
. 1794

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