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Grammar skills

1. Juan_ in the library this morning.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: C. is studying
. _
2. Alicia, _ the windows please. It's too hot in here.

. You gave an incorrect answer. You answered: C. opened
. The correct answer is: B. open
. _
3.The movie was _ the book.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: D. as good as
. _
4. Eli's hobbies include jogging, swimming, and _.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: D. climbing mountains
. _
5. Mr. Hawkins requests that someone _ the data by fax immediately.

. You gave an incorrect answer. You answered: B. sends
. The correct answer is: C. send
. _
6. Who is _ , Marina or Sachiko?

. You gave an incorrect answer. You answered: D. the tallest
. The correct answer is: C. taller
. _
7. The concert will begin _ fifteen minutes.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: A. in
. _
8. I have only a _ Christmas cards left to write.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: A. few
. _
9. Each of the Olympic athletes _ for months, even years.

. You gave an incorrect answer. You answered: A. have been training
. The correct answer is: C. has been training
. _
10. Maria _ never late for work.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: D. is
. _
11. The company will upgrade _ computer information systems next month.

. You gave an incorrect answer. You answered: B. their
. The correct answer is: D. its
. _
12. Cheryl likes apples, _ she does not like oranges.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: C. but
. _
13. You were _ the New York office before 2 p.m.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: B. supposed to call
. _
14. When I graduate from college next June, I _ a student here for five years.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: A. will have been
. _
15. Ms. Guth _ rather not invest that money in the stock market.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: C. would
. _
. Part II: English Grammar
. Select the one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect.
. You scored 45 points out of 45.
. Congratulations! You had a perfect score!
1. The majority to the news is about violence or scandal.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: B. to
. _
2. Takeshi swimmed one hundred laps in the pool yesterday.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: A. swimmed
. _
3. When our vacation, we plan to spend three days scuba diving.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: A. When
. _
4. Mr. Feinauer does not take critical of his work very well.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: B. critical
. _
5. Yvette and Rinaldo send e-mail messages to other often.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: C. other
. _
6. Mr. Olsen is telephoning a American Red Cross for help.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: B. a
. _
7. I had a enjoyable time at the party last night.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: A. a
. _
8. The doctor him visited the patient's parents.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: B. him
. _
9. Petra intends to starting her own software business in a few years.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: B. starting
. _
10. Each day after school, Jerome run five miles.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: C. run
. _
11. He goes never to the company softball games.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: A. never
. _
12. Do you know the student who books were stolen?

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: C. who
. _
13. Jean-Pierre will spend his vacation either in Singapore nor the Bahamas.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: C. nor
. _
14. I told the salesman that I was not interesting in buying the latest model.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: C. interesting
. _
15. Frederick used work for a multinational corporation when he lived in Malaysia.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: A. used work
. _
. Part III. English Vocabulary
. Select the best answer.
. You scored 26 points out of 30.
. You scored 87% on this section.
1. The rate of _ has been fluctuating wildly this week.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: D. exchange
. _
2. The bus _ arrives late during bad weather.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: D. always
. _
3. Do you _ where the nearest grocery store is?

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: A. know
. _
4. Jerry Seinfeld, the popular American comedian, has his audiences _.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: C. rolling in the aisles
. _
5. The chairperson will _ members to the subcommittee.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: A. appoint
. _
6. The critics had to admit that the ballet _ was superb.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: B. performance
. _
7. Peter says he can't _ our invitation to dinner tonight.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: C. accept
. _
8. We were _ friends in that strange but magical country.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: B. among
. _
9. The hurricane caused _ damage to the city.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: C. extensive
. _
10. Many cultures have special ceremonies to celebrate a person's _ of passage into adulthood.

. You gave an incorrect answer. You answered: A. right
. The correct answer is: B. rite
. _
. Part IV. English Reading Comprehension
. Select the best answer.
. You scored 30 points out of 30.
. Congratulations! You had a perfect score!
1. What is Erik's address?

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: D. 33 Maple Drive
. _
2. Which is closest to Erik's house?

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: A. the traffic lights
. _
3. The main focus of the presentation will be _.

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: C. monthly sales figures
. _
4. Who will give the presentation?

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: B. Megan Fallerman
. _
5. Which of the following counties is not included in the tour?

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: B. Cornwall
. _
6. How many people can go on this tour?

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: D. a limited number
. _
7. What can we infer about this area of southern England?

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: A. The region has lots of vegetation.
. _
8. What is the purpose of this announcement?

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: C. to recognize Ms. Szewcyzk's accomplishments
. _
9. The expression "to become synonymous with" means

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: A. to be the same as.
. _
10. What was Ms. Szewczyk's first job in journalism?

. You gave the correct answer. You answered: C. She was an editor for a newspaper in Missouri.

DERECHO ,DERECHO. Categorías:Derecho. Preguntas:24
Salud Bucal ,Test sobre salud Bucal. Tags:dientes ,salud ,bucal ,oral ,encias ,gingivitis ,. Preguntas:11
DERECHO ,EXAMEN DERECHO. Categorías:DERECHO. Preguntas:124
PROYECTO ,evaluativo. Tags:GRADO. Preguntas:37
Anorexia y Bulimia ,Selecciona la opción con la que estés de acuerdo en base a las afirmaciones realizadas. Recuerda que los datos aquí recabados se almacenarán de forma anónima. . Categorías:Anorexia ,y ,Bulimia ,. Preguntas:14
Taller de Investigación II ,Proyecto final de taller de investigación 2 por David Arzaga Guerra. Tags:Taller ,de ,Investigación ,2. Preguntas:14
Violencia ,Descubre si eres o no victima de la violencia por tu pareja. . Categorías: ,Relaciones ,de ,pareja. Preguntas:7
MATEMATICA 3 ,marca la respuesta correcta. Tags:Simulacro ,de ,matematica. Preguntas:10
supervivencia zombie ,Descubre si eres un superviviente nato en un apocalipsis zombie. Categorías:supervivencia ,zombie. Preguntas:8
HISTORIA Y TURISMO REGIONAL ,Responde correctamente las siguientes preguntas. Tags:HISTORIA ,Y ,TURISMO ,REGIONAL. Preguntas:10
Test de la Diabetes ,Este Test fue creado con los fines de saber que tal estan las personas informadas sobre el tema de la Diabetes. Categorías:Este ,Test ,fue ,creado ,con ,los ,fines ,de ,saber ,que ,tal ,estan ,las ,personas ,de ,informadas ,sobre ,el ,tema ,de ,la ,Diabetes ,.. Preguntas:10
EVALUACION 2 ,Responde correctamente las siguientes preguntas. Tags:DIVERSIDAD ,CULTURAL. Preguntas:11

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