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present perfect


. A. Liam has drawed a picture.
. B. Liam has drawn a picture.
. C. Liam have drawn a picture.
. D. Liam have draw a picture.

. A. Emily has losed her handbag.
. B. Emily has lost her handbag.
. C. Emily have lose her handbag.
. D. Emily have lost her handbag.

. A. Had you had spaghetti for lunch?
. B. Has you had spaghetti for lunch?
. C. Have you have spaghetti for lunch?
. D. Have you had spaghetti for lunch?

. A. Have ever you stay at a big hotel?
. B. Have you ever stayed at a big hotel?
. C. Have ever you stayed at a big hotel?
. D. Have you ever stay at a big hotel?

. A. Yes, I has stayed at a big hotel.
. B. Yes, I has stay at a big hotel.
. C. Yes, I have stayed at a big hotel.
. D. Yes, I have stay at a big hotel.

. A. I’ve never eat hamburger in Mc Donald’s
. B. I’ve never eaten hamburger in Mc Donald’s
. C. I never ’ve ate hamburger in Mc Donald’s
. D. I never ’ve eaten hamburger in Mc Donald’s

. A. Katty has send me an e-mail.
. B. Katty has sent me an e-mail.
. C. Katty have sent me an e-mail.
. D. Katty have send me an e-mail.

. A. Have ever you met a movie star?
. B. Have you ever met a movie star?
. C. Has ever you met a movie star?
. D. Has you ever met a movie star?

. A. I‘ve just cleaned my bike.
. B. I‘ve just clean my bike.
. C. I just‘ve clean my bike.
. D. I just‘ve cleaned my bike.

. A. Lisa and Kevin has go to the concert.
. B. Lisa and Kevin have gone to the concert.
. C. Lisa and Kevin has gone to the concert.
. D. Lisa and Kevin have go to the concert.

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