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For each space in each sentence, use the verb Get (in the correct tense) with one of the prepositions from the box. Sometimes you need to put the object/pronoun between the main verb and the preposition - in these cases, the object/pronoun can be found in

4. The buses in this town are awful and I prefer to use my mountain bike

. to …………..………….
6. The killer……………………his crime because the police couldn't find any

. evidence.
7. I asked him to look for that report but he said he never had time

. to……………………….doing it. He is lazy, I think!
I was late for work because I didn't …………………………… time.

. get up
. get up
. Can we finish this tomorrow? I am really tired and it's……………………..

. geting across
. getting on
. That fat kid always………………...of doing sport for some reason or other.

. gets out
. gets araund
The buses in this town are awful and I prefer to use my mountain bike
to …………..………….

. get around
. gets around
. gettting around
. It is raining again. Weather like this really……………………….. (me).

. gets me down
. get me down
The killer……………………his crime because the police couldn't find any evidence.

. got away
. get away
. I asked him to look for that report but he said he never had time to……………………….doing it. He is lazy, I think!

. get across
. get around
We will find it easier to………………. once you get that part-time job at the supermarket.

. get by
. get through
She never……………….losing that dream job of hers and has been depressed ever since.

. got over
. get down
He didn´t …………………with his boss and finally decided to leave the company rather than stay there working for him.

. get on
. got on

45465456 ,klhjlkhjklhklh. Tags:Preguntas ,Control ,de ,internet. Preguntas:11
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Examen 2 ,Examen de Ingles 2. Tags:Examen ,1. Preguntas:9
phrasal verbs ,ADVANCED. Categorías:phrasal ,verbs. Preguntas:100
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Past Perfect ,Change the verb into the correct form of the past simple or present perfect. Categorías:past ,perfect ,y ,present ,perfect. Preguntas:8
EXAMEN ,present perfect. Categorías:PRESENT ,PERFECT. Preguntas:10
Cuestionario ,Cuestionario sobre el tema visto y practicado en las fases anteriores. Tags:Cuestionario. Preguntas:10
Español - Repaso 1 ,Haremos un repaso del alfabeto español, los pronombres personales y los artículos.. Categorías:español ,básico ,pronombres ,artículos. Preguntas:20
Español - Repaso 1 ,Repasaremos: el alfabeto español, los pronombres personales y los artículos. Tags:español ,básico ,pronombres ,artículos. Preguntas:20
Test de inglés 2 ,Es un test igual al anterior, ¡pero un poco más avanzado!. Categorías:test ,de ,inglés ,inglés ,avanzado. Preguntas:20

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