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OtrosEnglish level

This test will help you to identify your English level

1. How old are you?

. I have 27 years old
. I have 27 years
. I am fine
. I am 27 years old
2. He went to the Stadium...

. with taxi
. by taxi
. on taxi
. at taxi
3. How long have you been living in London?

. for 7 years
. at least 7 years
. since 7 years
4. We haven't got ..... money.

. a lot
. some
. any
. many
5.Peter ..... fly to San Francisco tomorrow.

. to going
. goes to
. is going to
. go to
6.He plays soccer ...

. on Wednesdays
. in Wednesdays
. by Wednesdays
. at Wednesdays
7.... some more coffee?

. Do you?
. Do you like?
. You'd like
. Would you like?
8. I wanted a green shirt but they only had .....

. a one white
. one white
. a white
. a white one
9. He ..... never been to America.

. does
. has
. haven't
. hadn't
11. If I were rich, I ..... buy a house on the beach.

. will
. would
. should
. wish
12. When she arrived, he ...

. already left
. has already left
. had already left
. left
13. I forgot ..... the lights before I left. *

. to turn off
. put off
. turning off
. shot
14. By the time you finish the class I ... *

. will have left
. leave
. would left
. going to leave
15. He plays soccer, ..... ? *

. don't he?
. does he?
. isn't he?
. doesn't he?
16. The room can't be dirty she ... *

. is just clean it.
. have just cleaned it.
. just clean it.
. has just cleaned it.
17. If only I .... to the party instead of staying at home. *

. went
. had gone
. did go
. have gone
18. Has Mrs. Smith arrived ..... ? *

. yet
. still
. now
. already
19. Wendy is ..... Paul to get up now. *

. telling
. saying
. saying to
. telling to
20. It's no use ..... to him. He doesn't listen *

. speaking
. to speak
. spoke
. have spoken

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