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English Test

it is going to be a evaluative test! Good luck!

What day is today?

. today is monday, March 4th, 2016
. today is sunday, march 4th, 2016
. today is saturday, March 4th, 2016
how do you say "papá" in English?

. Mother
. Sister
. Father
what color is the apple?

. Pink
. blue
. Red
what is this number "One Hundred"

. 30
. 100
. 10
What is this number "15"

. five
. fifty
. fifteen
cual es el color del cielo?
what color is the sky?

. green
. orange
. blue
how do you say "hermana" in English?

. sister
. brother
. Mother
How do you say "Lapiz" in English?

. crayon
. Eraser
. Pencil
How do you say "Borrador" in English?

. Eraser
. Pencil
. pen
how do you say "Hola" in English?

. good night
. bye
. hello
Que color son las hojas de los arboles
What color are the leaves of the trees?

. purple
. green
. black
what is this number "one"

. 10
. 1
. 100
How do you say "chao" in English?

. bye
. hello
. good
how to do you say "hermano" in English?

. father
. brother
. uncle
how do you say "tablero" in English?

. table
. chair
. board

mari test ,wena wena. Categorías:h-o-l-i. Preguntas:15
ropa en italiano ,ropa en italiano. Tags:ropa ,en ,italiano. Preguntas:43
vocabulario ,vocabulario italiano. Categorías:palabras ,italianas. Preguntas:29

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