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examen para verificar conocimientos obtenidos en la primera clase

4. cinderella (to be) a very famous princess of the Disney's fairytales.

. escribe las siguientes frases con los verbos en pasado simple.
9. yo la engañé.

. escoge la traducción correcta de las siguientes frases:
10. ella ha cantado:

. she has sung
. she have sung
. she has singed
11. yo he corrido:

. I have ran
. I has ran
. I have run
12. tú la has engañado:

. you have cheated her
. you have cheated on her
. you have cheated him
13. nosotros lo hemos visto:

. we have seen it.
. we has seen it.
. we have have seen it.
14. yo he tenido suficiente:

. I have had enough
. I have have enough
. I have not had enough
15. usted ha estado aquí:

. you have been here
. you have be here
. you have had been here
. traduzca:
. el perro _
. el gato _
. la hormiga _ ant
. la mosca _ fly
. los osos _ bears
. un homicidio _ murder
. un asalto _ assault
. una cárcel _ jail
. un cadáver _ corpse
. un policia _ policeman
. un oficial _ officer
. una edificación _ building
. un despacho _ bureau
. una relación _ relation , _ relationship
. un unicornio _ unicorn
. un ateo _ atheist
. un síntoma _ symptom
. una pista _ track
. la evidencia _ evidence
. un opióide _ opioid
. un millón _ million
. un hueso en una caja _ bone in _ box
. una llave _
. escriba frases en presente continuo con cualquiera de las siguientes palabras.
. dog , cat, tree, floor, sidewalk, doctor , mother, priest, phone, cousin, life, wonderful, big, bad, small, long, soft, light, slowly, fast, difficult, intervention, detention, church.
. puede usar los siguientes verbos:
. to pray: rezar
. to drink: beber
. to fail: fallar
. to go: ir
. to dance: bailar
. to walk: caminar, pasear.
. to drive: conducir.
. to be: ser / estar.
. to paint: pintar.
. to pursue: perseguir.
. to eat: comer.
. to jump: saltar.
. ejemplo: I am walking the dog > yo estoy paseando al perro.

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