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OtrosPrimera Prueba Saber Décimo 2016

Esta prueba es la primera del área correspondiente al segundo periodo del 2016. Recordemos que en el primer periodo no se realizó esta prueba en el área.

1. The mobiles ¬¬¬¬¬¬_. (to turn off)

. a. The mobiles have turn off
. b. The mobiles were turn off
. c. The mobiles were turned off
. d. The mobiles was turned off
2. The trees_. . (to plant).

. a. The trees was planted
. b. The trees were plant
. c. The trees bas planted
. d. The trees were planted
3. The words_. (to substitute)

. a. The words were substituted
. b. The words have substitute
. c. The words has substituted
. d. The words has substituted
4. The question_. . (to answer)

. a. The question have been answer
. b. The question were answer
. c. The question were answered
. d. The question was answered
5. The correct answers_. . (to tick

. a. The correct answers were ticked
. b. The correct answers have ticked
. c. The correct answers has tick
. d. The correct answers is ticked
. III. Select the best sentence in the first conditional
6. understand the topic/ pass the evaluation.

. a. If he understands the topic, he will pass the evaluation.
. b. If he undesrtands the topic he will pass the evaluation.
. c. If he will understand the topic, he will pass the evaluation.
. d. If he passes the evaluation he will understand the topic.
7. Buy a new television/ watch tdt.

. a. I will watch tdt , if I buy a new television.
. b. I will watch tdt if I will buy a new television.
. c. I will watch tdt if I buy a new television.
. d. I watch tdt if I will watch television.
8. Do less work/ my boss be angry.

. a. My boss is angry if I do less work.
. b. If I do less work, my
. c. If I do less work, my boss is angry.
. d. If I do less work, my boss will be angry
9. My family arrives/ we visit the museum

. a. If we visit the museum, my family will arrive.
. b. My family will visit the museum if we arrive
. c. If my family arrives, we don’t visit the museum.
. d. If my family arrives, we’ll visit the museum.
. IV. Match the words and phrases from 15- 18 with the definitions from a to d
13. I use glasses d. prepare and heat food

. V. Complete the sentences with the best option:
14. I usually buy goods _ feel comfortable

. a. For.
. b. With
. c. On
. d. To
15. Technicians use tools _

. a. To
. b. On
. c. For.
. d. With
I. Select the correct form of the verb in passive voice.

. The mobiles ¬¬¬¬¬¬_________. (to turn off)

. The mobiles have turn off
. The mobiles were turn off
. The mobiles were turned off

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