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IdiomasPhrasal verbs

¿Qué significan los siguientes verbos frasales?

1.- Catch on

2.- Come about

3.- Come down

4.- Come in for especially criticism, blame

5.- Come off

6.- Come out

7.- Come up usually a problem

8.- Come up against

9.- Come up to especially expectations, standard

10.- Come up with especially an answer, a plan, a solution

11.- Count on

12.- Crop up

13.- Do away with murder

14.- Do up

15.- Draw up

16.- Draw up especially a document

17.- Drop in

18.- Drop off

19.- End up

20.- Face up to especially responsibilities

21.- Fall about especially laughing

22.- Fall back on

23.- Fall for fall in love with

24.- Fall out with

25.- Fall through

26.- Feel up to

27.- Follow up

28.- Get across especially get an idea across

29.- Get at about personal matters

30.- Get down

31.- Get down to

32.- Get off with

33.- Get on for

34.- Get on especially in life

35.- Get over

36.- Get over with usually unpleasant

37.- Get round to also around

38.- Get up to usually bad when about children

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