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Each question has only one possible answer, if you answer correctly you get one point. In total, there are ten points in this test. Try and find out how much do you know.

1 Where did the war start?

. In London
. In Sarajevo
. In Paris
. In Berlin
2 Why did it start?

. Because of a bomb
. Because of a demonstration
. Because of a murder
. Because of an assault
3 How were the different blocs of allies called?

. Triple alliance and Double alliance
. Triple lace and Triple alliance
. Double lace and Double alliance
. Triple entente and Triple alliance
4 Which of these countries were in the same bloc of ally?

. Italy, Germany and Austria-Hungary
. Germany, Austria-Hungary and France
. Austria-Hungary, Great Britain and Italy
. Italy, Germany and Russia
5 There were confrontations between imperialisms, which of these countries were the main powers?

. Italy and France
. Great Britain and France
. Great Britain and Russia
. Portugal and France
6 Which country was upset because of his low quantity of colonies?

. Portugal
. Spain
. Germany
. Holland
7 What country was a common goal of Germany, France and Spain?

. Portugal
. India
. South Africa
. Morocco
10 _ made war upon _

. Austria-Hungary / France
. Germany / Russia
. Austria-Hungary / Serbia
. Serbia / France

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