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OtrosCME 2.0

CME 2.0

1 How often NetApp ask customers for improvements for the technical support experience?

. A) Once a year
. B) Every two quarters
. C) Each quarter
. D) Every month
. E) Always using the Touchpoint Listening Program survey
2 Number one feedback from customers across years

. A) Cases substantially updated
. B) No callback at proper times
. C) Improper business impact set
3 How a case could be created. Select all that apply.

. A) By phone
. B) In the support site
. C) Automatically created
. D) By CSR
4 When the CFT must be collected? Select all that apply

. A) At any time
. B) At the first contact with customer
. C) Before start swarming or before an HO
5 When is proper to start swarming? Select all that apply

. A) At any time if we are not progressing the case
. B) Just before to perform an HO
. C) At the beginning of the case or at any phase if we do not have a clear understanding of customer problem although details and framing information have been provided by the customer
. D) Just after initial troubleshooting
. E) After CFT and data collection
6 What are the TRO timeframe responses? Select all that apply

. A) As per priority
. B) As per entitlements
. C) As per priority and entitlements
. D) As per case alerts
. E) There is no time limit that applies to TRO
7 What PAVE means?

. A) Proactive Approach Vs Expectation
. B) Provide Information Ask for Information Verify Contact Expectation Set
. C) Product Add Variance Execute
. D) Provide and Acknowledge Ask for Clarification Expectation Limit
8 When the case framing has to be performed? Select all that apply

. A) As soon as the problem description and business impact have been provided
. B) At first interaction with customer
. C) When we know what the problem is, how is affecting customer and when we provide a solution
. D) Before we will do swarming or HO
9 Data gathering includes: Select all that apply

. A) Only Perfstat and nSANity tools
. B) Only bundles when applies
. C) As much information we could have from customer regarding his problem and environment
. D) Only what CFT ask for
10 For data analysis we could: Select all that apply

. A) Just analyze it on our own
. B) Do swarming for assistance
. C) Ask and SSE2 to review the data collected
. D) Analyze it by us first and in case there is no clarity then do swarming
11 When can be found the process for Non responsive Customers?

. Information Center
12 When customer can open a new case? And we the reopen process is found?

. At any time and in the information center
13 If the CFT it is not clear or if SmartSolve it is not working where do we can find technical triage templates?

. KB Site
14 What defines that a case has to be P1?

. Business impact
. -What is difference between Severity 1 and Severity 2. Select all that apply
. A) Severity 1 reflects production outage and Severity 2 reflects recovered state
. B) Severity 1 reflects not serving data scenario and Severity 2 reflects degraded but functional
. C) Severity 1 reflects data inconsistency and Severity 2 reflects P2 priority it is no possible due to CSAT
. D) Severity 1 reflects Constant impact to users and Severity 2 reflects non production outage with risk for escalation
. -Why a PSU failure is a P2 case?
. Lose of PSU redundancy
. -When a case is P4?
. Informational or providing documentation without troubleshooting
. -Once we have ownership of a case which are the statuses we use in the ‘case status’ section in SAP? Select all that apply
. A) Unassigned
. B) Active
. C) Pending Customer Data
. D) Pending Solution Proposed
. E) Pending Bug Fix
. F) Pending FSE
. G) Closed
. -What can you use to know the correct case Tagging and Categories?
. Excel sheet and information center
. -The case tagging and categories could change during the life of a case?
. Yes
. -Besides CFT questions: Select all that apply
. A) If you have additional technical questions for customer then you cannot add them to the CFT
. B) If you have additional technical questions for customer then you can add them to the CFT
. C) The CFT cannot be modified and we need to add additional notes
. D) There is no need for additional questions besides CFT questions
. -The CFT is public or private?
. Private
. -Who can read case documentation? Select all that apply.
. A) Customers
. B) TSEs
. C) SAMs
. D) CSRs
. E) FSEs
. -Documentation templates like Initial/Open, Update and Closure are public or private?
. Public
. -Documentation templates like Handover, PREQ, FSO, FSE are public or private?
. Private
. -Emails between you and customer are public or private?
. Public
. -Emails between you and account team are public or private?
. Private
. -Where are the documentation templates and how to use them guidelines?
. Information center
. -Is the next statement true or false about update templates?
. This template is a summary of how the problem was resolved to justify the case being closed along with a description of the root cause.
. False
. -Is the next statement true or false about initial templates?
. This template should be completed as a Public note by the first TSE owning the case. It is used as part of the Assignment and Framing case phases.
. False
. -Is the next statement true or false about closure templates?
. This template is a comprehensive public note that provides a complete description of the case and its current status. Anyone viewing the case notes should be able to read the latest update to have a complete understanding of the case.
. False
. -Which are the Level 1 expectations for case movement after framing and research? Select all that apply
. A) Business impact can require movement
. B) SSE2 review
. C) Case Swarming / Case fest / KX recommendation
. D) Duty Manager (DM) request requiring TSM review
. E) Escalation Engineer recommendation
. F) The first and second level or escalation resources have been exhausted

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