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1. Where do you live?

. A. I am live in London.
. B. My live is London.
. C. I live in London.
. D. I lives in London.
. Choose the correct sentence

. A. He has two brothers.
. B. I has two brothers.
. C. He got two brothers.
. D. He two brothers.

. A. They is Italian.
. B. They is Italy.
. C. They are Italian.
. D. They Italian.

. A. My name is Margaret.
. B. My name are Margaret.
. C. Margaret are my name.
. D. Margaret be my name.
5. Are you German?

. A. No. My are American.
. B. No. My is American.
. C. No. I is American.
. D. No. I am American.

. A. Me like coffee.
. B. I like the coffee.
. C. I like coffee.
. D. Me don't like coffee.

. A. She lives on your street.
. B. She live on your street.
. C. She do on your street.
. D. She does on your street.
8. Do you like music?

. A. Yes, I does.
. B. Yes, I like.
. C. Yes, I do.
. D. Yes, I am.

. A. She be born in Paris.
. B. She is born in Paris.
. C. She was born in Paris.
. D. She born in Paris.

. A. Their mother's name is Karen.
. B. Their mother's name are Karen.
. C. Their mother are Karen.
. D. Their mother's from is Karen.
. the different one
20. A. butchers B. shoe store C. elephant

. Choose the correct preposition
21. Peter and Sidney are ...... Australia.

. A. from B. for
22. We walk ...... work every day.

. A. to B. by
23. We don't go ...... train.

. A. to B. by
24. My birthday is ...... the third of March.

. A. on B. at
25. Do you go to the beach ...... summer?

. A. on B. in
26. I live ...... Rosemary Road.

. A. at B. on
27. I got a dog ...... my birthday!

. A. from B. for
28. She is married ...... a doctor.

. A. with B. to
29. You can come ...... me.

. A. to B. with
30. We always eat chicken ...... Christmas.

. A. on B. at

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