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1.If I ----------a million dollars, I would buy a house on the beach

. were
. could
. won
. would
2. If I---------you, I would drive more slowly in the rain.

. could
. won
. were
. would
3- She --------------be very sad if Bobby moved to another city.

. were
. won
. would
. if
4- I would move to New York ________________ I could get a job there.

. were
. if
. won
. would
5- We would learn a lot from animals if they ________________ talk.

. would
. won
. could
. were
6- If I were a bird, I...

. will fly and see many places.
. would fly and see many places.
. can fly and see many places.
7- If I were a computer,...

. I will be very stupid.
. I am very stupid.
. I would be very stupid.
8- If there were no police officers,...

. there would be so much crime in the streets.
. there will be so much crime in the streets.
. there won't be so much crime in the streets.
9- People would spend more time at home, if

. there were no restaurants.
. there are no restaurants.
. there will be no restaurants.
10- If I could speak Japanese, ...

. I will go to Japan
. I would go to Japan.
. I am going to Japan.

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