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IdiomasReading - Restaurants

Select the correct answer.

1. Where is El Bulli?

. In New York
. In Milan
. In Catalonia
2. Ferran Adriá is the manager of El Bulli.

. True
. False
. Doesn't say
3. When does the 2010 season start?

. In Spring
. On June 15
. On December 15
4. How many people want to have dinner in El Bulli?

. 2,000,000 people
. 2,000 people
. 2,000,000,000 people
5. What is “A day at El Bulli”?

. a book
. a dish
. a restaurant
6. El Bulli was founded by ___.

. a Spanish chef
. a German doctor
. a Czech writer
7. The name El Bulli refers to ___.

. a magazine
. a recipe
. some bulldogs
8. El Bulli has marketing problems.

. True
. False
. Doesn't say
9. El Bulli is ___.

. closing forever
. closing in 2010
. reopening in two years
10. El Bulli has an excellent dessert table.

. True
. False
. Doesn't say

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