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One day in Jenny's mother


1. What is the story about?

. It is about jenny’s daily routine
. It is about jenny’s mom daily routine
. It is about what jenny’s mom does on weekends
2. What does the text describe?

. What Jenny’s mom usually does on weekend
. How Jenny’s mom has to work everyday
. What Jenny’s mom does everyday
3. Who writes the text?

. Jenny’s mom
. Jenny
. Jenny’s friend
4. Where does jenny’s mom work?

. She works in a restaurant
. She works in a hospital called fireplace
. Jenny’s mom works in an office

5. What does jenny’s mom usually do on Mondays and Thursdays?

. She takes a nap in a little bedroom
. She has lunch at home
. Jenny´s mom has a meeting in her office
6. Does jenny’s mom floss her teeth?

. yes, she do
. Yes, she does
. No, she does not
7. Does she wake up at 5 o’clock?

. Yes, she does
. No, she does not
. No mentioned
8. What does she do before she goes to work?

. She walks her dog
. She feeds the cat
. She puts on make-up

9. What does she do when she gets to work?

. She always takes a cup of coffee and toasts
. She often takes a cup of tea and bread
. She often takes a cup of coffee and toasts.
10. What does she always do after dinner?

. She watches TV
. Jenny´s mom reads some nice stories
. She goes to bed
11. How does jenny’s mom get to work?

. She takes a bus
. She does not drive a car
. She drives a car

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